The Global Challenges Forum Foundation has launched a new model of global partnerships for the future. Seizing the moment for new thinking, creating action models to chart the pathway ahead, and addressing emerging 21st-century global challenges, the Foundation will work to promote a new global resilience culture. It will combine top-down UN and national level efforts with bottom-up community, impact investor, and youth entrepreneur efforts.

In support, the GCF Foundation will coordinate with the private and social sectors, non-profits, governments, and international organizations in a “connected testbed.” The mission is to empower youth activism for next-generation leadership through creative thinking, new technologies, integrated learning, and innovative partnerships.

To carry this out, the Foundation has established a new worldwide network of leaders to guide this process. GCF Chairman Dr. Walter Christman has welcomed 12 new Members of the International Advisory Council from Australia, Colombia, China, Germany, India, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States. At the same time, he announced the formation of a counterpart Swiss Association, the Global Resilience Consortium.

As part of the International Advisory Council, members can investigate opportunities and resources to advocate for the Foundation’s values and mission, engage with local stakeholders, and help to ensure the Foundation’s success in their countries. There are at least ten ways International Advisory Council members can benefit from this experience:

1. Influencing the Foundation’s work and shaping the direction of sustainable development in countries worldwide.

2. Gaining access to a global network of experts, researchers, and practitioners.

3. Gaining recognition for their expertise and experience in the field.

4. Building relationships with other members of the International Advisory Council.

5. Access to a platform for sharing knowledge and insights with a broader audience.

6. Enabling the Foundation’s success as part of a global movement for positive change.

7. Representing the Foundation’s interests in international forums and events.

8. Sending national delegates to the Foundation’s global events.

9. Receiving from the Foundation guest speakers for local events.

10. Using the Foundation’s brand and assistance to raise funds for country-level activities.

If they so choose, International Advisory Council Members may help to establish a branch chapter in their country under the authority of the Foundation. The intention is to ensure the Foundation can extend its visibility, mission, and values globally and locally. Branches can operate without undue oversight while allowing mutual support in franchise relationships and local autonomy in activity development.

As Chairman of the Global Challenges Forum Foundation, Dr. Walter Christman also chairs the International Advisory Council. The Foundation will develop a quarterly newsletter to keep all appraised of developments in Geneva and worldwide.

The GCF Board is interested in expanding to additional countries and moving toward gender balance in the Council’s diversity, welcoming nominations from any quarter.

For further information, please email the GCF Executive Director, Dr. Beatrice Bressan (, and copy to Dr. Walter Christman, GCF Chairman, at