Exploring applied policy research on security challenges and threats and facilitating the exchange of multidisciplinary experiences at the interface of globalization and security.
The 2010 launch of the Global Challenges Forum laid the groundwork for a new institution, designed specifically to address globalized challenges.
To face the emerging challenges of a globalized world.
In June, 2013, The Global Challenges Forum continued to build its partnership network and participated with Global Hope Network International (GHNI) in the implementation of “The Geneva Institute for Leadership and Public Policy” (GILPP). GILPP is one of the active Forums within the GCF “Forum of Forums” concept. It was established by GHNI to help leaders transform their nations toward prosperity and liberty. The vision for the GILPP is to promote public policy created by enlightened and compassionate public leadership in support of sustainable development . The principal international initiative of this institute is to offer an intensive week-long summer workshop in Geneva, Switzerland on critical contemporary global and national issues.
GILPP uses an integrated curriculum which elicits sustainable development in chaotic times targeting global challenges and solutions in four strategic areas:
Raising Their Effectiveness: Instruction That Fosters Change
In a non-confrontational style, GILPP creatse a thought-provoking environment for leaders from emerging nations to discuss and explore:
1. Public policy development and implementation for sustainable development among the poor
2. Regional and global overview of economic development
3. Public policy and model legislation resources
4. Transformational Leadership for the policy maker
5. Networking with key international organizations and people
Through discussion, debate, and guest lectures, GILPP provides proven examples of local public policy solutions to global challenges along with legislation that is already producing results.
For more information please click on the link below.
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